How to cultivate diverse leadership in succession planning

Demonstrating a commitment to creating a diverse leadership team is paramount to attracting and retaining staff
Making life sustainable for staff: Understanding unemployment, inflation and dissatisfaction

Understanding how to manage unemployment and staff dissatisfaction is imperative in an unsettled business landscape
Don’t leave me this way: why it’s time to ditch abrupt employee exits

Is there a better way to handle employee transitions than the traditional notice period?
How to make the business case for internal mobility

Turbulent times call for greater agility.
HR and acquisitions: what role should HR be playing?

Mergers and acquisitions involve a great deal of number-crunching and risk assessment. However, the importance of communication and company culture should not be underestimated. James Grinnell, group people director at Currie & Brown, discusses the responsibilities and challenges faced by HR staff during an acquisition. It may be an old saying, but it remains as […]
Recalibrating the succession plan to win and retain talent

All senior leaders will inevitably leave their post at some point. In fact, headlines are currently buzzing with news of new CEO appointments and departures across industries. Just in the last month, Expedia looked within to fill its newly vacant top role, naming former CFO Mark Okerstrom as CEO, while its former CEO Dara Khosrowshahi […]
Why every business should have home-grown leadership

If all your senior leaders disappeared tomorrow, would your business be prepared? For most resourcing leaders it’s important to know when it’s fitting to recruit externally and when it’s appropriate to dip into your internal talent pool. Finding the right people to grow your organisation is one thing, developing those people to lead that growth […]
Fostering a leadership pipeline: a springboard for long-term success

As we fast progress towards a ‘digital first’ nation, there’s no denying that technical skills are and will be the centre of our professional and personal lives. However, wherever you look, and whoever you talk to, we’re all being told the same thing – we’re facing a major talent shortage. This couldn’t be clearer than […]
What three attributes do CEOs want from their next HR Director?

According to our research*, while 81% of CEOs see HR playing a critical role in developing business strategy, only 32% of them intend to recruit their next HRD internally. Why is it that 50% of the CEOs surveyed feel it’s necessary to look outside their company to find the talent to align their people strategy […]
Linking performance management with succession planning – how to make it happen

Succession planning in the workplace is not only about determining who will lead your organisation into the future – it’s also about identifying the key positions that are at risk and developing a pipeline of talent which can be drawn from at any time. According to Bersin by Deloitte’s ‘Predictions for 2016 report’, companies are […]
If you are successful, will your children be?

There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]
Is the ‘Peter Principle’ on your risk register?

When Peter Parker became Spider-Man, his Uncle Ben warned him that “with great power comes great responsibility”. After a steep learning curve, Peter grew into his superhero role to save the day and reboot a multimillion pound franchise. Unfortunately ‘Peter Principle’ had no wise uncle to warn him that without the skills or aptitude […]
How to implement data-driven succession planning

A leadership succession plan can help you create a pool of high potential candidates ready to step up to critical roles. The problem is that many companies don’t know which of their middle managers have the capability or the aspiration to succeed in senior positions. That can leave your talented people feeling unrecognised, unappreciated and […]
How can we improve the female talent pipeline?

To address the issue of a less than productive female talent pipeline across UK businesses, has launched a new awards programme – the WATC Top 50 Rising Stars Awards for 2015. These awards are the first to focus on the UK’s female talent pipeline below management level and will celebrate 50 women across multiple industries who […]
Why do we still debate the composition of boards?

The debate around the composition of Europe’s boards continues. The new wisdom says we need more women, younger executives, and more people with less traditional backgrounds on the boards of some of our biggest businesses. But why? And why now? According to the PwC CEO survey released in January, the competitive landscape is hugely turbulent, […]
One-off management training is a waste of time and money

There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]
Developing your high-potentials to retain business-critical talent

As the war for talent heats up and businesses compete for the skills they need, there is more pressure than ever on employers to create development opportunities for their staff in order to attract and retain the best talent. Hiring the best candidates you possibly can is an important first step but it’s not enough […]
Talent mobility – understanding your talent

In the second part of a four-part series looking at talent mobility, Matt Russell, Head of Talent Development at Lee Hecht Harrison, explores the importance of ‘understanding’ the talent in your organisation and making sure leaders are made aware of their role and accountabilities for being effective mobilisers. Read part one of this series, "Talent […]
Case study: how to assess emerging talent

The company and the challenge JT (formerly Jersey Telecom) is halfway through a five-year growth strategy, initiated in 2011 to transform the Group into a global communications business. Already, JT has nearly doubled its value after expanding its global reach, introducing new services, undertaking strategic acquisitions and creating new global partnerships. However, while rapid growth […]
Talent mobility – essential to organisational success

In the first of a four part series of articles, Matt Russell, Head of Talent at Lee Hecht Harrison, introduces his concept of ‘talent mobility’ and the results of an in-depth research programme into the subject and looks in brief at what HR professionals need to do in order to ensure and benefit from talent […]