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Dan Dackombe


Sales Director EMEA


Why HR & Marketing need to buddy up to attract top talent


Today, a job isn’t just a job. For many, work is a huge part of their identity, a place they spend more time at than home and, for those graduating, a destination they have invested £44,000  to reach.

Just this January, British graduates were reported to have left over 1,000 jobs unfilled as the brightest talent turned down roles that didn’t match up to their expectations.

Mix this with an international battle for talent, and the constant creation of new roles that follow advances in technology, social sciences and the law – and it becomes clear that the ball is very firmly in the job-seekers’ court.

In this competitive jobs market, to stand any chance of attracting the best talent, it is vital that employers are actively marketing themselves to prospects.

Partnering with employees

Our latest Top Attractors research found that the most sought-after employers among professionals in the UK are those that have spent time figuring out why their staff are working there and how to effectively communicate this.

A quick scan of the list, which includes organisations in every sector from retail to automotive and names such as Google, ASOS and John Lewis, reveals a common theme. Regardless of their size, all of these businesses have made a name for themselves as great places for smart, ambitious people to be.

Topping our list, John Lewis is well known for calling its partnership model, offering co-ownership of the company to employees, with profits shared in an annual bonus scheme. Google is also famous for its fridges full of free food, A-list speakers, on-site massages and even benefits after death.

A crucial first step in developing an employer profile like our Top Attractors is for HR departments to work together with, and draw on expertise from, other areas of the business. Today, no department can afford to work in silo, and this especially true of key support functions.

One of the most important partnerships, therefore, is between marketing and HR. Whilst these two functions often end up working independently, they have huge potential when it comes to creating a place that people want to work and hiring the very best talent for the business.

Brand ambassadors

Our research found that a strong corporate culture is one of the most important things candidates look for when assessing a potential new role. In fact, 78% of UK workers say that they would not tolerate a bad culture, even if it meant working for the top company in their industry.

78% of UK workers say that they would not tolerate a bad culture.

For HR and marketing departments, this is a great opportunity to steal a march on the competition and show prospects why they should want to work for you. In the social age, we are all brand ambassadors – and this especially true when it comes to your employees.

By working together to foster a culture that puts the focus on your people and developing a clear vision and employee-centric values, you can create an environment that appeals to candidates from the moment that they walk through the door. By calling on marketing, and your existing teams, to help you demonstrate this culture on your website, social media channels and communications with potential hires, HRs can lay the foundations for making a brilliant first impression and ensuring that their business stands out from the crowd.

Shall we do lunch?

We also found that flexible and remote working are the most important non-financial perks for 44% of professionals and that just under 1 in 4 would trade a higher salary for more flexibility. By working with the marketing team, HR departments can assess what unique benefits their business offers and how best to communicate them to prospects.

Consider using sound bites from your existing team on your website or LinkedIn Company Page

As candidates like to hear from current employees when weighing up a new role, you may want to consider using sound bites from your existing team on your website or LinkedIn Company Page, or even offering prospective hires a lunch with someone doing a similar job, as effective ways of promoting what you bring to the table.

In order to compete for the best candidates, employers need to ensure they are giving candidates all the right signs that they are the best option for them. To replicate the success of the most sought after employers, it is crucial that HR collaborates with marketing to ensure benefits are heard, perks communicated and strong cultures capture the hearts – and minds – of the best talent in the market.

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One Response

  1. The wish list item of HR and
    The wish list item of HR and Marketing Departments working in harmonious partnership has been around for a long time. Hopefully, the success of the ‘Top Attractors’ and their demonstrable commitment to the partnership model will encourage others to follow suit.
    May take a little while yet though …..

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Dan Dackombe

Sales Director EMEA

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