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What’s walking from your office?


A new survey reveals that UK businesses are the victims of high levels of data theft by staff.

Confidential documents, customer databases, business contacts and sales leads are all on the hot list – and 56 per cent of respondents believe companies expect things to go walk-about.

The survey, by Prefix IT was answered by more than 1,000 people and revealed that 60 per cent of workers have removed items from the office in the past and 30 per cent of workers believe that sales leads and business contacts are rightfully theirs.

Graeme Pitts-Drake, CEO of Prefix, said: “Clearly, many employees do not see company theft as stealing and do not apply any ‘moral brakes’ to such activities. Naïve employers who continue to trust their staff blindly, without relying on robust security measures are asking for trouble.

“Quite apart from safe-guarding their own data assets, companies have a responsibility to maintain confidentiality of employee data.”

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