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Annie Hayes




Part-timers miss out on training and pay


Part-time workers are 40% less likely to receive in-working training than their full-time counterparts.

These are the findings from an Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) investigation: Part-time is no crime – so why the penalty?.

According to the EOC more than half the UK’s part-time workers are in jobs that they feel fail to capitalise on their qualifications, skills and previous management experience.

Women part-timers also earn an average 40% less per hour than male full-time workers.

Julie Mellor, Chair of the EOC commented:

“Britain is facing a crisis if it does not address the need for flexible hours at work. Women are hardest hit by the part-time ‘penalty’ which channels them into low-paid jobs with poor prospects often because they take on more of the caring role at home.”

Mellor urges bosses to offer better paid jobs on a more flexible basis.

“Only that way can we keep essential skills in the economy whilst allowing people to do the vital role of caring for others.”

The EOC reveal that the odds of a woman being in part-time work increase by almost eight times if she has a second child aged 0-4 – and argues that the lack of availability of affordable, good quality childcare is a key trigger for entry into part-time work.

Seventy-eight per cent of Britain’s part-time workers are women.

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Annie Hayes


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