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Get the best out of management development with Clearworth – advertising feature


Clearworth’s f@sterclass® blended learning approach may not get full marks if you’re in charge of management development for your organisation and what you want is

1.People to learn when and where they have a window of opportunity
2.Learning which engages experienced managers
3.Subjects which stretch for high achievers
4.Development for busy managers with little time to spare
5.Topics which match the organisation’s strategic issues
6.A significant return on your training investment
7.A route to accreditation which recognises action learning not memorised models
8.Collaborative activity which builds a learning community
9.An approach which changes the organisation’s view of learning
10.A nice office and a comfy executive chair

…but we’re OK with 9 out of 10

We’re serious about learning and passionate about organisations getting the best available support to achieve their aims. Our f@sterclass® programmes help managers and organisations with a brain to catch to build knowledge and apply it fast.

Business man If you’re serious about taking your management development programmes forward contact Clearworth to discuss how to use your managers’ windows of opportunity to make a real difference Your managers could be taking advantage of the best available learning technologies combined with work based assignments, discussions with leading thinkers, real-time learning, coaching, challenge and support as part of a real learning community.

“Blended learning reflects a healthy recognition that e-learning is most effective when it’s part of a considered strategy involving all aspects of learning, including classroom and on-the-job”
Martyn Sloman – Training and Development 2001

f@sterclass® – the considered approach to blended learning in the fast lane

For more information please CONTACT US

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