The Inland Revenue is moving further towards offering taxpayers, payroll intermediaries and software developers online facilities.
Self-service Assessment
Individuals can submit their self-assessment tax returns for 1999/2000 over the internet after registration for the service. The service requires users to enter their self-assessment tax reference, National Insurance number and user ID. The registration process is available through the IR website at
Internet submissions from payroll and accounting intermediaries
The service is to be extended later in the year to permit intermediaries to submit client self-assessments and PAYE forms. For more details visit
PAYE through the Internet
The Inland Revenue expects to introduce a service later this year allowing employers to submit a range of PAYE forms and returns over the Internet. Again, the employer will need to register for the service, with the registration process currently planned for introduction in February 2001. For more information see
Note for Software Providers
Continuing their collaboration with software providers to improve online tax assessment and settlement services, the Inland Revenue can be contacted by e-mail on such queries at The Inland Revenue Electronic Business Unit
Electronic Payment Options
Various options for paying tax electronically already exist and a summary of the options can be found at