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Race discrimination blocks careers


According to a survey by She Magazine and the Commission for Racial Equality, two in three British women believe race can limit career choice and career progression. Other findings include:
– Only one in four women are in favour of positive discrimination at work – more on grounds of age than race.
– Only 50 per cent think Britain is a society based on equal opportunity.
– Two thirds think that ethnic minority children are being integrated into society – and if they are not, cultural differences and prejudice are seen to be the main barriers to integration.
– One in five has no friends from different racial backgrounds.
– Three in four think mixed race relationships are a good thing but one in three say their family would disapprove if they were involved in one.

Beverley Bernard, Deputy Chair of the CRE added: “Women clearly feel that race is a barrier to career choice and career progression. Employers should take note. They cannot afford to ignore the concerns of half of Britain’s workforce. It is still a fact that women do less well than men in the workplace. They are paid less. They are promoted less often. And they face greater harassment and bullying at work. Ethnic minority women face all of these problems with the added dimension of racial discrimination on top.””

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