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Annie Hayes




Workers ‘cringe’ at motivational statements


Motivational statements are failing to entice workers into working better and harder according to latest research from recruitment consultancy, Office Angels.

Almost three quarters (73%) of office workers said that the little note pinned to the wall actually had the opposite effect of stirring their enthusiasm.

Two thirds (67%) found them clichéd and patronising despite nine out of ten (89%) recognising them to be well-intended by their employers.

Top ten worst offenders are:

  • 1. JUICE: Join us in creating enthusiasm

  • 2. Blame ends in me

  • 3. I can’t spell success without you

  • 4. Success by the inch is a cinch – but by the yard, is hard

  • 5. Aim for the moon, and if you don’t get there, at least you’ll be one of the stars

  • 6. There’s no ‘i’ in team

  • 7. If you knew you would never fail, think what you could achieve

  • 8. I praise loudly and blame softly

  • 9. Management means helping people get the best out of themselves, not organising things

  • 10. What the mind of man can conceive and believe – it can achieve

Paul Jacobs, Office Angels Managing Director said:

“Motivational statements are proven to have a positive impact but employers need to ensure they are regularly updated otherwise they do become tired and clichéd.”

What is your office motivational statement? Does it inspire or repulse you? Share your thoughts with HRZone by posting a comment in the box below:

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One Response

  1. The Beauty of an Antidote
    Sorry to short circuit the request for the cringeworthy – however the old classic is still pumping out the best anitdote for this affliction.

    Demotivation: “Some times the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people”

    Adversity: ” That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable”

    Pure Joy.

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Annie Hayes


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