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Sign up for your free monthly E-Learning newswire


Launching this month: Those of you who’ve expressed an interest in all things e-learning will be receiving a new newswire in your inbox shortly.

E-LearningWire – our independent and authoritative newswire covering developments in all aspects of online learning in the UK and Western Europe – is now available free-of-charge to all members and will be sent out on the first Tuesday of each month.

As recent discussions on HRZONE show, everyone is interested in what e-learning might be able to do for them, but there’s a clear need for guidance on how to make the most of it. Published by HRZONE through its e-LearningZone area, in association with leading consultants eLearnity, the monthly newswire includes news, views and comment on e-learning issues.

The newswire examines e-learning from an independent viewpoint, and with a UK focus, maintaining a deliberate objectivity about the claims and assertions made by all the providers and suppliers, and it’s an engaging and informative read.

What’s more, it’s free, if you’ve completed your profile hereand ticked the e-learning box as an interest (existing profiled members will receive the newswire automatically). Don’t miss it!

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