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Annie Hayes



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And the winner is …


Sharon Cooper, Director of Human Resources EMEA, IPC Information Systems is the lucky winner of the Open Golf Championship competition.

Of her win, that will include accommodation in Edinburgh on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 July, full corporate hospitality at the event and of course the chance to watch the masters in full swing she said:

“I was delighted and amazed to find out that I had won the prize of a trip to the Open Golf Championship. Although I am not a golfer, the opportunity to be there and enjoy the atmosphere of such a famous and prestigious event is an experience that I am sure no-one would want to miss. I know that is true as all my golfing colleagues have been busy trying to persuade me to take them along too!”

Congratulations Sharon!

Thank you to everyone that entered, we had a huge response. And if you missed out this time, then don’t despair, there’ll be plenty more competitions coming up.

*HRZone brings you this prize in conjunction with Mercer Human Resource Consulting.

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Annie Hayes


Read more from Annie Hayes