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Government launches womens development event


The government is running a career development conference and exhibition aimed specifically at women in London next month.

‘Women Unlimited’ is aimed at women at all stages in their working life, from returners-to-work and those just starting out in the job market to those looking to develop their skills further or start up in business themselves. The day will include seminars, workshops and exhibition stands staffed by experts, employers and other organisations to offer practical ideas and assistance.

The event, which takes place on Tuesday 13 February at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London is being organised by the Women’s Unit in the Cabinet Office, in association with the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department for Education and Employment and supported by a number of private and public sector organisations. The day is free and everyone is welcome.

The seminar programme consists of the following sessions:

  • Move In – Make the most of yourself – Find out what you can learn and how – as well as the support available to you as you skill up. It’s never too late to learn new skills – and more skills can mean more job opportunities. These seminars provide advice on training and education opportunities that can fit both your purse and your lifestyle.

  • Move On – Make an impact – Recognise your strengths, gain self-confidence, learn how to write that winning CV, flex new interview skills and understand your employment rights. Everything you need to know about going for it.

  • Move Ahead – Time to move on – Explore and analyse work options you may not have thought of – from non-traditional careers to the latest high-tech opportunities. Break through the barriers of time and place – and crack the glass ceiling – to move into a better future.

  • Move Out – Want to go it alone? – Had enough of being just another a cog in the machine? Ever thought of starting your own business? – Learn how to harness your creativity – and take those first steps out of the rut. We’ll show you where to go for help and how to access finance.

  • Move IT – What can IT do for you? – Are you making the most of IT and job opportunities? Want to know where and how to learn about computers and the internet? We’ll show you what you can do, where the jobs are and how you can make a real future in the virtual marketplace.

    You can register for the Women Unlimited event by completing an online registration form or printing it out from the website and sending it off (Adobe Acrobat required). For further information telephone 0870 7511 484.

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