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Travel Expenses for Overseas Travel


I am looking for some examples of how organisations compensate individuals to meet claims for Travelling Expenses and in particular Travelling Time for staff required to frequently travel abroad and in particular longhaul trips. I know that some organisations pay overtime for the duration but this is very costly are there any other alternatives?

Many thanks

Trevor Croucher
Trevor Croucher

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3 Responses

  1. T.O.I.L.
    Most places I have worked for operated a time off in lieu policy (and recognise that they have to be considerate about expenses). One company I worked for took the view that “tough – you may be away for the weekend, but we still expect you back here on Monday morning” – I didn’t stay there long.

  2. Travel Expenses for Overseas travel
    At my company, expense claims are now being settled within 2 weeks due to the implementation of a new SAP system.

    I travel frequently to train overseas users. An informal policy of time-off in lieu is operated between myself and my manager. There are allowances also for working for home.

    Since even a short-haul european training trip could involve x-hours to get to Heathrow plus check-in time is more likely that an employer will operate such an informal “toil” system than pay overtime.

    Another key issue is the quicker that the trainer can get back to their office and submit their claims, the quicker they will get paid! Hope this helps.

  3. Looking Training Provider – Cohen Brown
    Could anyone kindly assist me in contacting Cohen Brown? He is a training provider in the area of sales management. My company is interested in engaging him and would appreciate information on his training services and contact details.

    I would appreciate an urgent reply if anyone can assist. Thanks. Pls email me at:


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