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Coping with disaster – Are you a master?


Hillsborough, Zeebrugge, Hatfield, Lockerbie, Selby, Dunblane… the litany of disasters which have scarred the United Kingdom in recent years seems to get longer and longer.

With Lord Cullen’s public enquiry report into the Paddington Rail Crash due to be published by the Health and Safety Executive today, and Home Office minister Keith Bradley saying that they remain committed to the introduction of a new draft Safety Bill, the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside is offering what they claim to be a world-first.

Understanding why disasters are on the increase and helping professionals to cope better when disaster strikes are two of the aims of a new masters degree to be launched at the University.

Thought to be the first masters degree of its kind anywhere in the world, the university’s new MSc in Trauma and Disaster Management Studies will bring together academics and professionals in a teaching programme which will also lead to cutting-edge research in areas such as traumatic stress, counselling and psychotherapy.

“Disasters seem to be more and more common these days, and we aim to understand why,” said Martin Page, who has co-written the masters programme. “This is the age of technology and communication – people move around more than they did 50 years ago – and transport seems to be a big disaster area that’s under-researched.

“This teaching programme is shot through with leading-edge psychosocial research looking at real issues and identifying where the health needs of people are going to be across their entire life span regardless of cultural influences or religious background and belief systems.”

The course is aimed at a wide range of senior and middle managers in local, regional, national and international aid and rescue agencies, the NHS, specialist health providers, St John Ambulance, social services, uniformed emergency services, local government and the armed forces.

The MSc in Trauma and Disaster Management Studies is offered by the Lincolnshire Institute for Health and can be studied part-time or full-time. Candidates require a first degree or equivalent and two years’ practical experience.

Study of all three stages leading to the masters qualification costs £2,400. For further details contact Martin Page on 01522 882000 or email

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