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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director


Which jobs make you happy?


The BBC has a story covering Cabinet Office research on the jobs most likely to make you happy and the jobs most likely to leave you miserable.

The research is part of a wider move towards including notions of wellbeing and happiness on the public policy agenda.

Top five jobs

  • Clergy
  • Chief executive/senior official
  • Agriculture or horticulture proprietor
  • Company secretary
  • Quality assurance

Bottom five jobs

  • Publican
  • Elementary construction
  • Debt/rent collector
  • Industrial cleaner
  • Floorers/wall tilers

It’s been on the cards for some time. Six months after he arrived in Downing Street, David Cameron voiced a need to "take practical steps to make sure government is properly focused on our quality of life as well as economic growth".

A report released yesterday from the former head of the civil service, Sir Gus O’Donnell, commissioned by the Legatum Institute, explores the impact that wellbeing research is having on policy, and argues for the impact to be ramped up.

Interestingly, the BBC's Mark Easton – who wrote the editorial – floats the notion of schools teaching resilience and character on the curriculum, a superb idea that would help prepare young people more effectively for the working world.

Read the full article at the BBC.

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Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

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