Hi there

I just wanted some advice about a situation I have ‘inherited’ since joining my employer.

We employ evening office cleaners, they are supposed to work 3.75 hours per day, and clean offices, corridors, kitchens and toilets of two site factories. I was told last week that they report to me!!

I have a need for them to also clean three offices situated on a mezzanine floor in the factory in addition to their current tasks.

Now, here is the tricky part, I have been made aware, and myself witnessed recently, that they have been leaving early sometimes as early as 1.5 hours into the 3.75hour shift, but that no-one has managed this at all.

I have spoken to them about cleaning the additional areas and that I know they leave early, they are adamant that they can only fit in their current duties, and refuse to the additional work, or to acknowledge that they are leaving early each day. They have over 10 years service each (3 of) and have been mainly unmanaged for almost all of that time!

My initial reaction was to consider starting a disciplinary process for insubordination/refusing a reasonable request. However I do not want to end up in the situation where I have no cleaners as it is highly likely that they will walk out!! I have not dealt with a custom and practice situation before and do not want to ‘put my foot in it’!!

My other option is to have them clock on and off and manage their hours through our T&A system, however this won’t get my factory offices cleaned asap!! Or of course a combination of the above two options!

I have also considered using a contract cleaning company, but the cost element is putting my superiors off!

I just wanted to know if anyone had come across situations like this before and how they managed it, successfully or not!

Kind regards


claire buckley