Our t&cs allow staff, with over 10 years service, to take 30 days holiday (plus stats) each holiday year i.e. 20 from WTD and 10 from the company.
I have an employee who has taken 20 days plus his stats but has 10 days outstanding. He doesn’t want to take time off before the end of March (our leave year runs April to March) and has asked if we can pay him for the 10 days. Our t&cs don’t allow carry over and I am reluctant to make an exception – if he can’t fit 30 days in how will he manage to take 40 days!
I know the WTD restricts payment in respect of untaken holiday entitlement accrued under that regulation but can I pay for untaken days over and above the WTD entitlement? Our t&cs don’t cover this situation and I have never come across it before.
Kathryn Aldred