Some organisations are beginning to realise that stress is now a big problem and should be tackled effectively and proactively. The only way this will work is if it is part of the strategic direction of the organisation and with the Lloyds Bank boss António Horta-Osório now back at work, I hope that he will ensure this will be the case within Lloyds Banking Group.
Big corporates do need to sit up and take action that stress and its ill effects can happen at executive level right down to the shop floor. It is a fact of life and it is the way we handle and deal with it that is important to us and also to our lifestyle.
When You Are Stressed.
When under stress, especially at work, it is best to accept that you are stressed and to be open about how you feel. If you do accept that you are under stress, then it is necessary to find out what is causing the stress and methods how to manage and be able to cope with it.
Often it is signs such as headaches, stomach ache and sleeplessness that are occurring on a regular basis and if you are suffering from headaches, for example, then note down on a pad or diary how often it is happening. There may be an event or after speaking to a particular person when you feel a tension headache coming on. When you write and note this, it can help you to focus and identify if there is a pattern and what is causing the headaches, and it may be more often than you realise!
Identify Cause of Stress
Once you have identified what is causing headaches, then what do you do? If it is your boss, it may be that you need to decide whether you have a word with him/her or try and look for another job if you find that you are not able to cope with the situation. Talk it over with a friend or relative and this may help you to realise what is important for you. Your health and wellbeing is vital so that you are more energised. If you decide to have a word with your boss, make sure you find a private area where you can speak. It could be a change of hours or ask for some specific work that you prefer to do. You cannot carry on as you are, so you need to take some effective action NOW. It is easier than you think and your boss will not realise how you feel.
Taking Breaks
Whilst at work make sure that you are taking proper breaks, and have lunch away from your desk. Go for a walk at lunchtime and this can help you clear your head and be ready for work in the afternoon. Take about eight glasses of water each day and this helps if you have a headache and important for your body requirements.
Rest and relax when you are away form work and this helps to relieve the pressure and tension which you feel. This can be going for a walk round the block, some gardening, reading a book or watching the television. Try to have a long relaxing bath where you can relax and let all your worries go.
You should start to feel better about yourself and your work.
Try and attend stress management training such as stress awareness courses or relaxation techniques courses. You will learn techniques and skills that can be used over and over again.
Jessica Smyrl, founder of Your Stress Management. Helping to prevent stress and improve wellbeing at work and at home.