Jokes aside; company culture is that imperceptible aspect of the organization’s behavior that permeates and seeps through it. A company’s core culture does not present itself overtly, but is there for everyone to experience and feel. It is not comparable to a product that one gets a look and feel of, but is something of that comes through in the organization’s way of interacting with others.
How does an organization define company culture?
A company culture may not be something that one sees and feels; yet, it is present. It is present to the extent that people working within it and those dealing with it from outside, like its customers or stakeholders; get an idea of what it is to work with the organization. To make this happen, the organization can lay out its policies and value statements in clear and unambiguous terms. Instead of making vague and cryptic statements, the organization can clearly define the culture it imparts.
The company culture doesn’t have to be formal
Most organizations, especially those of the New Economy, work informally. Why not make it known that its culture is informal? It could spell out its company culture with actions that reflect its outlook. Dress code is one of the outward manifestations of company culture. When a person who walks into the office finds that most employees are informally dressed; it gives that person an idea of the company culture.
Values should be the defining factor
While dress, vacations, facilities and other external factors are the visible symbols of a company culture; the culture for which an organization truly gets identified and recognized is the internal or professional value system it imbibes and practices. An organization is best perceived by the professionalism, ethics and related core values it displays, rather than by peripheral aspects such as the dress code. These core values should be the proper definer of company culture.