Modern business usually requires a high standard of communication, as well as first class presentation skills. Whether an employee is chairing a meeting or introducing potential new customers to a product, strong presentational skills can give them a huge advantage in a specific marketplace. Presentation skills training will stand employees in good stead when they’re trying to win new customers and retain existing ones, as it gives them the skillset to succeed in the following situations.
1. Conferences
A business conference is a great opportunity for businesses to get across news about new products and services, as well as the latest on economic performance. Whether presenting to fellow employees or customers, an employee’s ability to get their points across succinctly and concisely is crucial. Not only do speakers need to hold the attention of what could be hundreds of delegates, they need to ensure that the information they’re sharing is understood. A communication skills course will give key employees within a business the skills needed to succeed in this common business scenario.
2. Internal meetings
Any well run business relies on effective communication between employees, which is why regular internal meetings are so important. In sharing common goals, financial targets and operating strategies, businesses can ensure that every employee is on the same page. Attending a presentation skills training course should give an employee the skills needed to get their point across at meetings. And a marketplace for training courses such as Jivjav offers a large selection of presentation and communication courses to choose from.
3. Interviews
An interview usually involves a relatively short meeting between a candidate and at least one interviewer. Regardless of which side of this meeting someone is on, the ability to present information is vital. An interviewer needs to explain the responsibilities of the role they’re interviewing for, as well as the key qualifications and skills required. An interviewee needs to present his or her work history and their suitability for the role.
4. Training
Effective training can only happen if both the tutor and the attendee are communicating properly. The tutor needs to deliver the facts whilst retaining the attention of attendees, which can be very difficult. An attendee, on the other hand, may need to present their findings, or use their presentational skills as part of group-based learning.
5. Networking
Not all presentations are delivered within formal business settings. Networking can happen at social events, in the office or on the way to work in the car. While this less formal environment lends itself to friendly discussion and conversation, employees still need to present their point in a respectful, concise and effective manner – something that presentation skills training can help with.
6. Cultivating client relationships
In order to gain the trust of clients and customers, key employees will often need to spend one-to-one time with certain people. The ability to influence and communicate effectively in these situations is a skill that many businesses overlook, but presentation and communication training can help those businesses to fill the skills training gap.
7. Telephone calls
Talking on the telephone is an intrinsic part modern business. In some cases – such as telesales – the ability to sell, influence and engage on the phone is absolutely crucial to professional success. Indeed, there are very few roles that don’t require good telephone skills. Whilst talking on the phone, employees are presenting themselves, the facts and their organisation’s ethos. Training on presentation and communications skills can give employees the knowledge and confidence to make their time on the telephone as productive as possible.
8. Making sales pitches
Sales pitches are notoriously difficult to get right, as they are usually time-sensitive and received by potential clients who have several different options to consider. They require confidence, projection, a thorough understanding of the facts and the ability to deliver detailed yet concise answers to unscreened questions. Training in presentation skills prepares employees for these very specific challenges.
A recent poll from Gallup revealed that 40% of the public in the UK have a fear of speaking in public and presenting. For companies that want to be leaders in their field, having employees who are confident and skilled in delivering presentations is vital – which is why training in this area simply can’t be ignored.