Need a Culture Change at Company? Don’t Miss These Three Quick and Effective Tips for Helping Your Employees Adapt!

Is it time for your company culture to change? If you know change needs to happen, but you’re not exactly sure how you can best help you employees adapt, then read on to get our three quick, expert tips for getting your crew on board. You may be surprised how easy it is to do:


Tip #1: Start with Your Influencers

If you’re going to make any lasting impact on a changing work culture, then you’ll need to start with a small group of employees — but not just any employees. You need to begin with the people in your company who have the most influence.

Keep in mind: That doesn’t necessarily always the people with the highest positions. Know your employees well enough to know which people are influencing culture and opinions — both positively and negatively — in your company. Then, bring them together and get them on board with the changes. When you have those influencers on your side, then you’ll be able to more effectively bring the entire employee base on board.


Tip #2: Rethink and Redistribute

Anytime there are changes in a company, you have to figure out how you are going to make them last from a financial and resource perspective. For example, if you want to go green in your office, then you’re going to have to figure out how to provide your employees with resources that will help them save paper and plastic.

In your budget, perhaps you’ll need to allocate money for washable ceramic coffee mugs so you can eliminate paper ones. Other times, you’ll need to think about how you can redistribute current resources from one team to another in order to execute the culture changes in your office. So, take some time to sit back, think about your resources and limitations and figure out a plan for supporting your company culture change by moving around or creating new resources.


Tip #3: Recognize Your Employees

Once you have your influencers on board and you have the resources to support your company changes, give your workforce a few weeks to get adjusted and to begin adapting. As you begin to see employees complying and embracing the new changes at your company, you can honor them and hold them us examples to other employees who may not be embracing the new changes via employee recognition awards.

Awards are an easy and effective way to incentivize compliance in a fun way. The best part of all is that giving out awards often don’t cost a lot of money. You can start small — with a framed certificate for all-star employees who are embracing change in your office culture and a small gift certificate.

Perhaps honor three employees a month for a year. At the close of the year, you can hold a grand prize drawing for a big prize — such as a trip or larger gift certificate. All of the monthly honorees will be eligible for the grand prize. This becomes a fun way to motivate your employees to find out more about the changes at your company and to be a leader in embracing work culture improvements.  

If you’re ready to make quick yet lasting changes for at your company, then keep this guide handy as bring your employees on board. When you start small and build momentum, you have a greater chance of building a strong network of change agents of your company that will carry your brand into the future.