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Annie Hayes




A third of workers say they could do better


Almost one in four workers believe they could do a better job than their managers. This is according to a new poll conducted for Investors in People by YouGov.

Whilst nearly one in three would swap their manager if they could. Poor communication was cited by managers as the reason behind this employee dissatisfaction.

Nearly one in three said their manager was not good at communicating. Honesty was ranked in the poll as the second most important quality amongst managers, but nearly a fifth (19%) of employees believed that their manager had, at some stage, claimed credit for their work.

The research also shows that the most popular type of manager is someone who delegates (43%), followed by someone who is firm but fair (24%), and someone who looks after employees’ careers (11%).

Commenting on the findings, Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive of Investors in People (UK), said:

“The fact that almost a third of employees would like a new manager should make bosses sit up and take notice. With good communication ranked the most important quality of a good boss, managers need to focus their efforts on setting clear tasks and targets for their staff, and linking an employees’ role to the organisation’s overall mission.”

“Managers should also take note of the messages around delegation, remaining firm but fair, and the importance of looking after their people’s careers. This is vital information in helping managers better understand how to keep staff motivated and delivering effectively. By entrusting employees with more responsibility, and mapping out a path for progression within an organisation, managers can ensure their staff give their all in a way that will sustain productivity and the success of their organisation well into the future.”

A quarter of men were confident of their ability to outdo their current boss, a figure that compares to just 18% of women.

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One Response

  1. Workplace Poll
    While the figures in this recent poll, showing that many workers feel their boss is not communicating; feel they could do a beter job; etc, what we really need is the explanation to go with the numbers. It is not enough to say someone is a poor communicator………we need to know how the person comes to that conclusion so we might correctly address the problem. If the people who conducted this poll are on the job, so to speak, they will have obtained this additional information. It seems to be the season of polls and surveys, because I received something similar yesterday where the pollster simply asked what the things are that make them feel their manager is not doing the job properly, and then tick boxes, or respond to pre-set questions ranking them from 1 to 5 or whatever. Once again interesting, but not sufficient to accurately work with. One of the major reasons we are having difficulty addressing the innovation/improving productivity aspects of work in New Zealand is that we do not get sufficient detail, and therefore are inclined to address issues on a broad front. With this approach there is a fair chance you miss the real opportunity, or at best apply insufficient attention to the real opportunity.

    After all that, is it possible for you to obtain this additional information from the folk who conducted the poll. I for one would greatly appreciate their willingness to add substance to their initial findings.

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Annie Hayes


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