I have notices an increase in the discussions around competencies and developmental frameworks.
Over the past 25 years they have been growing in interest – is this led by business need or by people having completed a CIPD qualification?
My question is based upon the belief that change is ever increasing and the time to implement change reducing – so by definition have limited time to indroduce these frameworks and train people in their appropriate use. I have spent the past 5 years working with smaller leaner companies and competency frameworks would just cause them to stall.
(I should say at this point that I have in the past introduced such schemes in the likes of London Underground and BMI healthcare)
In this time of innocation and the required culture of innovation competencies may well state “the ability to innovate” but at the same time that fact it is written in stone makes it difficult to achieve!
In the book “the Innovation Equation” http://tinyurl.com/lpz5h Byrd states that Innovation is a multyplying factor of creativity & risk taking.
The purpose of introducing competencies was to REDUCE risk.
What are your views? are performance competences dead?
Mike Morrison