Hi there,
recently my partner took redundancy from her job, however before this happened she was sent a written letter from HR detailing her Mgt: Bonus, which she would receive in her May pay. The letter stated a guaranteed 8% of her final salary and a further 2% based on company performance.
May has been and gone and the payment was never made, she contacted her ex-employer and they asked her to write in to tell them her ‘case’. This she did, this was over a week ago and she has not received any further communication – the Mgr who questioned her payment is now on holiday for two weeks, he was not in post as her Mgr when she was working to achieve the bonus, however he must now sign it off.
If this was written and signed by a Senior HR Manager do they have to legally honour the payment? Is there anyway of speeding up the process of receiving an over-due Bonus payment?
many thanks
Buffy Sparks