Do you help job seekers? OR Help people to volunteer? I know that many of you, like me, do unpaid work helping unemployed people find work or volunteer opportunities as well as giving good practical advice. Like me, some of you do this either face to face and/or through cyberspace.
Countless  unemployed people I “meet” through cyberspace tell me that in their hard search for work they are firstly attracted by “free” offers to help, only to be then relentlessly pursued with “pop ups” ,e mails and even text messages for  paid job search services they simply cannot afford to access! So near but yet so far – and doubly depressing!
So below, I have profiled a completely straight forward “no frills, nothing fancy” free opportunity for people to seek work or volunteer placements. Is there anything further you are willing to do to help? Another small step for you – but potentially massive and morale boosting for an unemployed person in these difficult times!
 Here are three fresh action points for you to consider if you have any spare time.
1.       I am telling the people I mentor to place a synopsis of their CV personal profile in the “jobs section” of my own QED Associate LINKED IN group. It could be that if any of the 400 members in it see a profile, they might know of a potential employer or volunteer experience for the person concerned.  All this detail from individuals is clearly detached from our main discussion pages. Have you got a LINKED IN group or website where you could do this?
2.       You might have an employment or volunteer/placement opportunity. Why don’t you post any such details on your “jobs” page too? I am only able to take on two placements each year and they have so far worked very well for both parties-I have plenty of materials if you need help setting something up.
3.       Can you answer a specific question in a given area from any job seeker or potential volunteer? I provide free advice/tips about CV’s, speculative letters, rights and responsibilities in UK employment, immigration and welfare benefit laws as well as a range of free resources. Is there anything you can do? I will be pleased to signpost any free services you offer to the people I help.
I will be telling everyone I help about 1 to 3 above and, of course, any specific help that you highlight in this posting. Thanks!