Hi all.
Further to my post on the 10th July ‘theft, fraud, gross misconduct?’ – to which I received some good advice – thank you
The story continues……
Manager returned from holiday yesterday, he also arranged for the employee to pick him up from the airport on Wednesday, resulting in the employee having to get up at 4am and sit in Heathrow airport from 3 hours as managers plane was delayed. Arrived at work at 11.55am.
As a result of this another member of staff had to drive to Harrogate for breakdown of an exhibition (we are based in Warwickshire, so least a 3.5hour drive) therefore the company lost resource within the warehouse, and we have had to pay a further 4.5hours at time and a half. This may seem like a petty amount of hours (11hrs o/t in total) there are other factors coming to light through the investigation, ie refusing to let anyone use the pool car whilst he was away, (under contract it must be made available) – can we also bring this into the case?
The manager signed the timesheets off yesterday with no comment made. When asked about his actions he couldn’t see a problem with it. Claims he has always done this and no one has said anything before! (It has not been noticed until now) and nobody else, not even directors, in the company has ever done this so not Custom and Pratice.
The manager has now been suspended whilst an investigation takes place. (We are worried he may intimidate his staff into not giving witness statements) If the investigation shows that it is indeed gross misconduct (which I have a strong feeling it will) he will be invited to attend a disciplinary hearing.
The manager in question made the comment that he will be contacting his solicitor/barrister as he has got everything written down regarding bullying and harassment and intends to bring this into the meeting.
He can’t do this can he?
I am under the impression he needs to raise a separate grievance under the grievance procedure and that we have to keep the 2 instances separate.
I am so sorry this is long winded but any advice on how to handle this guy would be greatly appreciated (he claims to have a law degree!) I just need reassurance and/or advice that I am handling this in the right way. Many thanks
Emma Paish