I have a member of staff who has been off sick for 3 months. 50% of this is work related stress. She simply does not like her job, it has reflected in her performance, this has been challenged resulting in sickness.
She has not liked her job for a long time but has not sought anything else as far as I know.
I have referred her to Occ Health who tell me she can not gain Ill Health Retirement and she will be fit for work in January but they also note she does not want to return to her substantive post and would seek redeployment. I have discssed this with ther & her criteria for another job do not match anything we can offer nor is there anything predicted to come up in the coming months.
What can I do? We are a charity & have a generous sick pay scheme so she is costing us her full salary plus we are covering her post with additional hours. I want to resolve this quickly for obvious reasons but do not want a member of staff to return who does not want to do the job and performace issues remain! What are my options? A compromise agreement?
All coments gratefully recieved.