I apologise in advance as I don’t have all the details of this programme, however I understand that support staff in Bedfordshire NHS Admin are under consultation and there will be some redundancies as a result, however, I have dealt with lots of redundancies and I have never seen this approach.  The employees are being consulted currently, but will then be issued notice of redundancy. They will THEN be given the opportunity to apply for their existing or new roles but on very different terms to those they are currently working to.  My questions/points are:

1)  They have been told that if they don’t apply for a new role (after being issued notice of redundancy), they are making themselves jobless and no redundancy will apply as they are effectively resigning.

How can this be if they have already been issued notice of redundancy?

2)  The new working terms of the roles are so different to their current roles that I can’t see how it can be a suitable alternative? eg; 9-5 weekday admin jobs will now be required to be worked on an 8am-8pm 7 day week rota system which most people will be unable to do.  Can they be forced to apply for a role?

There are some concerns in general as the Unions seem to have been consulted are ‘apparently’ happy with the process, however have not actually spoken to their members about it.

This has purely come from people I know who are affected by it, so as I say, I don’t have the details and I could be missing some vital information, however I’m really interested to know how this can be right?