This is somewhat complicated but I would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.

We are an organisation of <60 employees that has grown throughout 2005 and will continue to grow in 2006.

We want to put in place a more structured approach to pay reviews. The CEO has indicated that he doesn’t want everyone’s pay review to occur in the same month as this is too much to deal with in one go.

Therefore we are looking to draw up a list of options with pros and cons of each.

For example we could conduct reviews by department, X department in Jan, Y in Feb and so on.

But if we do this, how do we cope with the fact that some people may have had a pay rise three months before others?

One idea that we had is that all new joiners from 2005 onwards could be reviewed on the anniversary of their start date.

We could broaden this out and review everyone on their anniversary; but then would this be too complicated to keep track of as the company grows?

Will there be issues with pay rises occurring part way through a year? If so how do we calculate this?

Whatever we decide, we will ensure that nobody waits more than a year for a pay review.

I would be very grateful to hear anybody else’s experiences and how this is handled in other organisations.

Many thanks
Alice Blackham