I have been working for a bank in London for the past 2 years. During this time the bank has financed my accountancy qualification. Before they did so, I signed an agreement that I would have to pay back the full cost of this training if I left the bank within 6 months of qualification. My resignation was made within this period, however I was not asked to pay anything back during my notice period.
My last day (end of contract) was 24/04/08. However last week I received a letter dated 29/04/08 stating that I owed the bank the full training costs incurred (£5k) and they said that I would have to pay in full by the end of June. This has obviously come as a shock because I would expect the bank to try to resolve this during my 4 week notice period.
Therefore I would like to know whether I have to pay this back. I would think that an employer cannot ask for payment after my contract has ended. I also know of two other people who resigned shortly before me, and the bank did not ask for any money back. So the bank is also demonstrating inconsistency in policy.
Your help to greatly appreciated
Mat Sleight