I took out an internal grievance in November 2007 against my employer for discrimination as they were reluctant and did not want to apply reasonable adjustments for my dyslexia as advised by access to work after a work based assessment that was carried out by access to work in September 2007. and this grievance fortunately was upheld I my favour and showed they had failed to assist me where appropriate at work.
I have taken out a further grievance in January 2008 as my employer did not implement all the recommendations that were recommended and in turn they suspended me and are informing me I must face a disciplinary hearing and may be dismissed. I just received the results of my 2nd grievance and it has not been upheld what puzzles me is they have gone over the ground that the first grievance covered justifying they had done all they could to help me but my grievance was what happened since? I feel this is not been looked at fairly any views please.