We have an employee who has been off sick for coming up to 6 months and her SSP is due to expire. She now wants to (attempt) a return to work however the role involves heavy computer use and the condition relates to her eyes so as employers we are worried that exessive computer use could result in further damage. Her eyesight is about 20% in one eye and 50% in the other so we are also worried about the implications of making mistakes when dealing with customer systems (options for computer aids for the visually impaired are limited as the role involves working remotely on customers systems). In one month she will also require further surgery on the other eye which could result in another lenghty absence. We are only a small company and are having difficulty keeping her role open and a temp is not an option as it takes 6 months to 1 year to train. Although we did not want to go down this route as she is a valued employee, are we in a position to look a dismissal due to capacity? Her doctor has said she could attempt a return to work with special glasses however can we demand to ask for this in writing so we can not be held liable? Any advice would be welcome.
Rachel Taylor