my question is that the nhs fraud division has accused me of working. I was on long term sickness. I resigned end of November but temporary retracted it to talk to them on the 19th November nothing came of this meeting so I put in another resignation this time end of December as a union rep told me I was out of time for November that was the 24th however, overnight I decide after long talks to resign that day no more notice on the 25th any outstanding sick notes voided and holiday pay to be paid that was in the letter. one hand written letter and one typed to make it look offical. I had a job offer since early October but told them I could not until giving a months notice I can back this up. So I rang up the job on the 26th November and accepted straight away and started working that week. I told someone I had been longterm sick they stated you have to sign off regardless I booked the doctors on the 6th December and back dated my sicknotes and asked to be signed off sick however, the idiot signed me off on the sick. I stupidly trusted the Doctor and just signed and posted them. I knew nothing until January 10th when a officer came to my new place of work to accuse me. I found out that the Doctor had written it for 3months automatically and work had paid me I have since paid the monies back and a new sick note given from my Doctor. They still want to see me but I think they want to discredit me due to the fact they knew I was going for constructive dismissal. I had told loads of people. I asked a NHS employee for a reference I told the tax people and incapacity people. They deny having the resignation letter only the written one. I only got a bank statement the day after the officer called at my works can someone tell me how to deal with this
wendy rushworth