We’ve recently implemented a timesheet system at my charity to improve our time management. I’ve been asked whether people who are required to spend excessive nights away from home can log this as some sort of hours credit on their timesheet. Note, this is not about logging actual work hours, but about logging additional non-work hours in order to take time off in lieu as compensation for being away from home. I’ve never heard of this happening elsewhere so would be interested to know if anyone else does this. My inclination would be to say either “no” or “only if you actually work in the evening”. I’m concerned that other staff who don’t travel, and who often view expense-account dinners and hotel rooms as a perk in themselves, will feel it quite unfair if the travelers also get extra time off as compensation for travelling. But I also want to be fair to the jaded travellers, who would really rather be at home. Any advice?
Patti Whaley