Do you provide personal development programmes for your staff? Do you use performance / personality / psychometric tests available through the internet?

Do these tests provide useful printed reports that are easy to interpret?

And does your staff actually benefit and put into action the suggestions made on the reports?

Or do you pay high consultant fees for one-to-one feedback sessions on such reports?

Most staff development programs involve the use of assessment tools. The results produced are often used to base personal development action plans. Many of these are provided by consultancies along with facilitated feedback sessions to help the individual understand how to interpret and implement the suggestions made on the reports. However, many consultancies now offer their tools to clients on the internet without any need for face-to-face contact.

If you have used one-to-one feedback as part of your management or professional staff development program and if you are considering using on-line assessment tools, I would like to hear from you. I am conducting a research project at the University of Hertfordshire, UK, on the effects of on-line assessments with or without facilitated feedback.

This research will be looking at issues of:
· Whether one-to-one feedback helps to improve performance
· Whether internet based tests that provide printed results are as effective
· Can you develop do-it-yourself development programs without the need for consultants
· Can on-line feedback be as effective (ie: Video conferencing)

It will help provide a useful understanding of successful staff development programs in terms of one-to-one feedback and the most effective and cost-efficient method to use for your organisation.

If you would like to evaluate the prospect of using / not using internet based performance, personality or psychometric tools as opposed to complete consultancy services, please contact me on

Shameem Quazi