I am female, a part-time worker and a carer.
In January I was taken on by a company in a part-time admin. role on a 3 month contract wih a (verbal and written) promise that at the end of the 3 months I would be taken on permenantly if my performance was satisfactory. At the end of my 3 months I received a glowing report, but instead of a permenant job, I was told that company policy forthwith was to put all new staff on contracts, so I accepted that.
Six weeks later, a new salesperson was recruited (male, full-time, not a carer). I have since found out that he is NOT on a contract but was taken on immediately as a permenant member of staff.
I don’t believe that my terms and condidtions of employment are any different (e.g. holiday entitlement, death in service cover etc.) but I do feel that my sex, hours and other commitments have been ‘held against me’.
When I asked the question I was told that it’s becuse I am admin and not sales……is this fair?
Thanks everyone