Motivate people for the year ahead


It can be difficult to motivate people at  this time of year, but what advice can we give managers to use for their staff so their team(s) can be prepared, well-planned, motivated and ready to hit-the-ground-running when they return to work in January?

What are the benefits of being a mentor?


If you want to be a mentor, what are the benefits to your own career growth and development? Has anyone been mentored by someone younger than they are? If so, what did they learn?  

When is a resignation a resignation


After a full consultation process a membr of staff with two years continuous service was dismissed by way of redundancy.  The contractual notice would end on 11/09/2015.  The member of staff requested he utilise outstanding annual leave and be released from his contract ealier.  Due to ongoing work commitments, this request was regrettably denied. The member […]

How should you effectively manage underperformance?


Hi, I am looking into how different organisations manage underperformance and breaches of policy at the informal stage.  Our current procedure includes issuing people with an Improvement letter which acts as informal warnings to outline – the issue, remedy, support and timescales.  These arent necessarily well recieved but I am interested to know what methods other HR professionals […]