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Managing Director

Having founded Woodreed over 25 years ago, Jo’s passionate about brands and the power they have to move people. She’s equally as passionate about employee engagement. Put the two together and she becomes almost evangelical about the power a well-positioned and consistently delivered brand has as a catalyst for employee engagement.

Jo takes a hands-on role leading client projects and seeking out innovative new technologies to help raise the bar for internal comms and employee engagement. She is part of the Core Team of Engage for Success and regularly speaks and writes on the topic of Brand and Employee Engagement as well as being a co-host of the Engage for Success weekly radio show.

Outside of Woodreed Jo has three sons (mainly adult, most of the time), a househusband, a dog and a cat and a variably productive vegetable garden – to all of which she applies a philosophy on life largely drawn from the collected works of Bowie, Springsteen and Cohen.

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