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Julie Finnikin

Staff Happiness Strategist

I am a people’s person, who has trained over 2000 employees and leaders throughout my 20 years learning & development and HR background. I know how it feels to be a disengaged employee. Recognised as an expert in my field I am trusted by business leaders to ‘bring the joy’ creating stronger, happier and more engaged teams.

I am passionate about helping female business owners to create a culture that means their employees are excited to go to work on a Monday morning and don’t want to leave on a Friday night. My mission is all about employee engagement being a no brainer for entrepreneurs and aim to change the dial on industry stats that show only 11% of employees feel engaged*.

Having brought the joy of people development to huge financial services organisations I am now determined to bring more small business owners along for the ride, as empowered teams mean empowered leaders -and that’s when real magic happens….