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Pete Alexandre


Marketing Manager


Blog: How to receive feedback in an effective manner


Even though most of us recognise the benefits of receiving feedback, it can still be difficult to accept criticism and actually learn from the information.

Feedback is important because it keeps us informed and helps us learn how to improve. All feedback is beneficial whether it is positive or negative.

Feedback is important to your career, your relationship with colleagues, and your ability to do your job well. In order to get the most out of the feedback you receive, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

1. Listen to what is being said
It’s a good idea to refrain from responding right away. Take the time to consider the value of the feedback. After you listen, try to paraphrase what has been said to make sure you heard correctly and that you understand. Ask for specifics if they were not clearly provided and ask the person to give suggestions on how you can improve.
2. Don’t be defensive or respond with anger
Resist the urge to defend your work or make excuses, this is not the time. Don’t take feedback too personally. If delivered appropriately, feedback should be about your performance, not about you as a person, so don’t allow emotions to be part of your reaction.
3. Remember that most people are trying to help when they offer feedback
They are giving you feedback because they want you to succeed. Once you understand the feedback, turn your focus to ways you can continue acting on any positive feedback and ways you can improve from any negative feedback. Use the feedback, incorporate it into your work and improve.

4. Don’t forget to thank the person for taking the time to give you feedback
This sets a good example and shows that you are interested in doing the best job possible. Remember, it is also always appropriate to give feedback on feedback. If you feel it could have been delivered better, more specific, or more helpful, let the rater know so that he or she can improve as well. When raters improve in delivering feedback, it will help everyone improve.
5. If you aren’t receiving feedback, don’t be afraid to ask for it
We all need internal and external feedback to improve, but you may have to actively seek it out from time to time. Solicit feedback on a regular basis. Every exchange of feedback, whether you are on the giving or receiving end, is an opportunity to be a better employee, manager, or leader.
Pete Alexandre is marketing manager at online survey and assessment software provider, SurveyShack.

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Pete Alexandre

Marketing Manager

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