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Phil Roebuck


Chief Executive


Blog: Recruit now – Why December is the new January


January 1st will see people up and down the country commit to their New Year’s resolutions.

Whether it’s signing up to the gym or searching for a new job – 2012 will signal fresh starts for all. So surely this is a great time to start a recruitment drive?
I’d argue, not necessarily. January is often considered the pivotal month in the recruitment calendar; with the perceived increase in candidate traffic making it the optimum time to hire staff.
The developments of 2011, however, have changed this with candidate activity increasing steadily as a result of factors including increasing unemployment and access to new job channels. As a result, the benefits of bring your hiring plans forward to December are stacking up, fast.
Four reasons to commence your recruitment campaign now:
1. Snap up the great candidates – fast
Earlier this year the ONS shared some very interesting statistics, claiming 90% of people relevant and qualified for your role are in fact passive. This means that to find these passive candidates you should be looking all year round. So why put it off another month?
2. Less competition
Your competitors will see January as a great time to start afresh, with people firmly on the agenda. If you leave your hiring until this time you could find yourself in a battle for talent – with the candidate interested in both parties.
3. New tools
Candidates are turning to new ways to find opportunities – the biggest success story being social media. Due to the nature in which they operate, this trend of job hunt isn’t seasonal and activity is high, particularly on LinkedIn, all year round.
4. Start 2012 with everything in place
There’s no denying 2012 is going to be tough, so why not hit the ground running with your team already in place at the start. Especially if you are a small business, this will free up much needed resources.

Phil Roebuck is chief executive of recruitment web site, Webrecruit.

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Phil Roebuck

Chief Executive

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