Recognise This! – Research and surveys are clear. Employees want to leave for better recognition.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen several employee surveys on job satisfaction and retention. All drive home the point that employees are not satisfied in their work and primary reason is they don’t feel valued or recognised for the good work they do. See the pertinent research findings from three quite varied surveys below:

CareerBuilder survey referenced in TLNT (quoting):

Rainmaker Thinking survey referenced in the Intuit Fast Track blog (quoting):

APA (American Psychological Association) Center for Organizational Excellence survey also referenced in TLNT(quoting):

Taking all that together, employees aren’t engaged and potentially have one foot out the door – all because organisations aren’t making the investment in the fastest and easiest tool HR has in its toolkit to quickly affect employee engagement and retention – frequent, timely and specific recognition.

Indeed, Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder, offered this solution (in reference to those survey findings): “Offering frequent recognition, merit bonuses, training programmes and clearly defined career paths are important ways to show workers what they mean to the company.”

Across nearly all of our customers, a deciding factor in their initial decision to pursue social recognition with us was employee feedback saying, “We need better recognition.”

How would your employees respond to “I’m satisfied with the recognition practices of my employer?” How would you?