What do the following have in common?


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They are all slow moving and take ages to turnaround!  Or put it another way they can’t deal with change very well.

So, if the hippo in mud can’t move or change quickly it’s going to get hunted by predators.

If the oil tanker can’t move direction or change quickly then it’s going to hit something or get stuck on rocks.

If a tortoise can’t move direction or change quickly then it’s going to end up in danger.

Putting the above situations into context regarding business; how would you react in the following situations?

If you can’t then don’t despair.   Perhaps you don’t have the knowledge, skills or behavioural traits required to react effectively or it’s not your role to respond.

Either way you can make changes to yourself in order to improve your performance in these situations, or ensure you aren’t in roles that require this thought process.

Not everyone can be the speed boat jetting off to safe waters but remember that no one needs to be the oil tanker crashing into rocks.