In the final countdown of this series, may I proudly present the final 3 of 10 HR tips as seen through the eyes and ears of Punk Rock.   As it’s nearly Christmas, you may pogo whilst reading if you wish !  For more on all this, ping me a note with PUNK in the title to claim your free Christmas HR gift – a copy of my micro book – Punk Rock People Management

# 3 – Smash it up – The Damned


THE PUNK HR POINT – Disruptive innovation inside companies takes considerable effort.  Sometimes it’s necessary to destroy the status quo to make way for new practices.  Smashing up existing organisational structures and cultures may look like vandalism, but given the permanence of cultures, sometimes it is the only way to make space for the new.

# 2 – What a Waste – Ian Dury


 THE PUNK HR POINT – “What a waste”, like “Sex and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll”, was a song about being in a job that makes you happy.  Perhaps all that is needed to create a high performance workplace is to develop the HR habit of finding out what turns people on and ensuring that the work gives them these outcomes.

In some cases, as Dury points out, this does not have to be Chief Executive or Vice President of HR, it could simply involve becoming “the ticket man at Fulham Broadway Station”.

# 1 – Teenage Kicks – The Undertones


THE PUNK HR POINT – When I asked Professor Adrian Furnham earlier this year to identify out some factors that make for an agile innovative company, his first point was to ensure that youth has a voice in the affairs of the company.  Youth brings ideas that are untrammelled by experience, as long as people feel able to voice those ideas.  The smart HR person gives a voice to youthful and other naïve inputs to company strategy.

Coming very soon after Christmas, a new book – The Music of Business.  Acclaimed by Harvey Goldsmith CBE

May I take this moment to thank you for reading these posts through the year and to wish you a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Picture by Lindsay Wakelin Photography