Traditionally society has viewed work and retirement as different, exclusive states. Either you worked or you were retired. Now, as the range of different work to non-work transitions widens we need to alter our fundamental approach.
Thinking about this, the concept of yin and yang sprang to mind – which is surprising as it has never done so before! But, if you think that yin and yang represent an amalgamation of two opposing states then it really makes sense. According to the website Absolutely Feng Shui, Yin is soft while Yang is hard. Yin is stillness while Yang is movement. Female is Yin while Man is Yang. Intuitive is Yin while Logical is Yang. Winter is Yin while Summer is Yang, and so on….
Where’s this leading? Well, at the moment we seem to have a situation where, in general, we consider work is bad, retirement is good. Unless of course you’re an expert in well-being, or a government official in which case it’s work is good, retirement as non-productive leisure is bad…
In the future our society will face a situation where nearly everyone will have to work for a considerably extended period – albeit, ideally in some flexible fashion. So starting to think of work and retirement in yin/yang terms as an amalgamation of the best of each state could be very helpful in changing people’s attitudes.
Work is challenging, retirement is fun; work is discipline while retirement is freedom; work is innovation, retirement is routine…. or should that be the other way round? Any more ideas, anyone?