Recognise This: We all have the capacity to do amazing things. We need the desire – and sometimes courage – to do so.
Chris Ferdinandi, Renegade HR blogger, has done it again. For the second year in a row he has published a strong compendium of advice from HR experts on how to be amazing in 2011.
I’m honored to have my contribution on “Overcoming Stereotypes” included in “Do Amazing Things” this year. An excerpt:
“One [stereotype] we often hear in our line of business is: ‘People in China don’t want to be recognised individually.’ A client of ours proved this false simply by giving it a try. When implementing a new, first of its kind, global employee recognition programme to all 33,000 of its employees, HR leaders knew the large contingent of employees in China couldn’t simply be ignored. … After programme launch, the leadership team was pleasantly surprised to discover China had the fastest rate of adoption for greatest number of employees of the new employee recognition programme.”
Other strong contributions from HR pros I respect include:
• Fail More (Chris Ferdinandi)
• Simplify, Simplify, Simplify (Lance Haun)
• Values, Not Words (Ben Eubanks)
• Break Out of the Boundaries (Paul Hebert)
• Become the Collaboration Leader (Steve Roesler)
• Be Curious (Ann Bares)
• Shadow Someone (Trish McFarlane)
I encourage you to read the eBook for great additional advice and thought leadership. What would you add as your recommendation to Be Amaing in 2011?