Recognide This! — Exponential Engagement enables and energises employees to drive two times the operating margin.

Once again, Abhishek Mittal has pointed us to an excellent resource on the next step in employee engagement – exponential engagement in this video.

Be sure to watch for these key points:

Looking at companies that now have sustained high levels of engagement, what’s the next step? How do you keep those engagement levels high and employees focused on strategic goals?

Towers Watson has evolved the classic definition of engagement (a measure of discretionary effort and a predictor of how hard a person will work to go the extra mile for customers or colleagues) to include two new pieces:

The combination of these two is exponential engagement. Am I engaged; can I translate that productivity; can I sustain that productivity over time? The highest performing organisations have found how to do that.

After the video, be sure to check out this report from Towers Watson showing:

“Sustainably Engaged companies out-perform the traditionally Engaged companies on operating margins by a factor of two to one.”

Are your employees already engaged? Are you focusing on helping them reach the next level of exponentially engaged employees?