Accepting conflict in group meetings is inevitable – and dealing with it is a fact of life for every facilitator.

Understanding the differences between debate and argument is critical. Healthy debate is essential.  A group that doesn’t express differences of opinion is incapable of making effective decisions. Unhealthy arguments however lead to disaster!

Use these 5 Tips to facilitate through conflict:

1. Debate v argument?

In Healthy Debates, participants…

In Unhealthy Arguments, participants…

2. Facilitator techniques

Facilitator techniques… that create healthy debate

Facilitator techniques… that allow for unhealthy arguments

3. Two steps in managing conflict

Facilitating conflict has two distinct steps:

Step 1: Venting Emotions

This involves listening to people so they feel that they are heard and any built-up emotions are diffused. People are rarely ready to move on to solutions until their emotional blocks have been removed!

Step 2: Resolving Issues

This involves the facilitator choosing the right approach to work through the conflict.

The approach can be:

4. Venting Emotions

It’s the facilitator’s job to properly handle negative emotions as soon as they emerge, so that they don’t poison the dynamics of the group.

Strategies the facilitator can use include:

5. Resolving issues – avoiding

There are 5 basic responses you can choose from (once emotions have been vented), in order to resolve the underlying issue…


Avoiding doesn’t deal with the issue.

Avoiding is ignoring the conflict in the hope it will go away; maintaining silence; trying to change the subject.

When to use it?

In the 10% of situations when issues can’t be resolved profitably.