Sexism is "alive and well in the workplace", according to the Telegraph article last week, which basically suggests that one sex is superior or inferior to the other.
This is a massive issue for HR departments that are working hard to eradicate glass ceilings and cultural incompetence from their workplace.
Isms can be extended to other differences based on age, class, disability, race, and while they are endemic in society, they are often acted out in workplaces. The reason they thrive in the workplace? Well, my experience tells me that it’s because developing leadership has little understanding of the impact isms have on individuals.
In spite of over 40 years of equalities legislation minority groups are still under-represented in senior positions in the workplace, so who is to blame?
Individuals and organisations should take responsibility by ensuring policies are put into practice, so inappropriate behaviour or language must be effectively challenged.
Listening and learning from each other is a good start, because what is wrong for one person might seem right to another.
The fact is that individuals from minority groups have to work much harder because of the negative stereotypes – for some the glass ceiling is a brick ceiling.