In his book First, Break All The Rules, Marcus Buckingham, working with Gallop established that 61% of all employees left their jobs because of their managers!  When you look at a more recent management study that showed that 88% of employees (Guys, that’s nearly 9 out of 10) said that they didn’t get acknowledged for their work, it’s no wonder that they are leaving!
 What is slightly ironic and a little worrying is in the Ashridge September 2009 Survey into Management Views, 63% of the managers interviewed felt that it was “easy to motivate their staff”.  Clearly nobody thought to tell the staff!
All the evidence from countless studies points to the fact that organisations that harness the goodwill and discretional effort of their employees, massively financially outperform their competitors who fail in this respect.
So the homework question people, “how much does your firm invest in motivating your employees and does it work?”  (….ask the employees before answering?!)