Many companies are facing falling employee engagement. This can’t entirely be accounted for by recent economic travails or external factors. Organisations must take responsibility for and begin to address this trend.
Explore and reflect on the reasons behind any fall in employee engagement. While broader economic worries may indirectly influence engagement, companies must focus on things they can affect. Often survey data will provide these insights.
A simple, targeted solution is the best approach to employee engagement. Cut through the complex spreadsheets, statistics and strategies. Companies must manage people in an honest and straightforward manner. Here are a couple of things to consider:
Companies with a genuinely engaged workforce lead the way in internal communication. Clear and regular communication with employees is needed. Tell them about aims and objectives and share successes. And keep in mind that communication is a two-way street. Encourage employees to speak up and listen to feedback. This will inevitably help foster a positive working culture, which in turn will support business objectives.
Hire good people managers. Ensure that all leaders, right from the CEO down, live and breathe company values. Invest in developing line managers, equipping them with the skills to lead teams. Line managers play an absolutely crucial role in coaching, motivating and developing employees. If employees don’t get regular support from their line manager, they are unlikely to be engaged.